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sábado, 13 de agosto de 2016

Feelings and emotions in English

Hi there, so today's post I'm gonna show you a couple of words that have to do with Feelings and emotions in English. These words are so important, and I hope you learn them and have a fun.

  1. Happy – feliz
  2. Overjoyed – muito feliz
  3. Sad – triste
  4. Homesick – saudoso
  5. Lonely – solitário
  6. Hot – estar com calor
  7. Cold – estar com frio
  8. Thirsty – estar com sede
  9. Sleepy – estar com sono
  10. Tired – cansado
  11. In pain – com dor
  12. Sick – doente
  13. Exhausted – muito cansado
  14. Disgusted – estar com nojo
  15. Hungry – estar com fome
  16. Starving – faminto
  17. Full / Satisfied – estar cheio, satisfeito
  18. Calm – estar tranquila
  19. Well – estar bem
  20. Uncomfortable – estar desconfortável
  21. Nervous – estar nervosa
  22. Bored – entediado
  23. Confused – confuso
  24. Frustrated – frustrado
  25. Upset – chateado
  26. Angry – irritado
  27. Furious – muito irritado
  28. Surprised – surpreso
  29. In love – apaixonados
  30. Proud – orgulhoso
  31. Worried – preocupada
  32. Excited – empolgado
  33. Relieved – estar aliviada
  34. Hurt – estar magoado
  35. Scared / Afraid – assustado
  36. Terrified – muito assustado
  37. Embarrassed – envergonhado
  38. Anxious- ansioso
  39. Ashamed- invergonhado
  40. Impatient- Impaciente
  41. Lazy-Preguiçoso
  42. Shocked- Chocado
  43. Moddy- Mal-humorado
  44. Weird- Estranho
Now, let's see some sentence:
My father woke up so moody today. I bet he had an nightmare. 

I feel so lazy right now. I think I’ll order a pizza. 

I’m feeling a little bit confused.

They fought yesterday but they seem to be calm now. 

When you start doing yoga, you get more relaxed each day.

So guys, that's all for today... BYE FOR NOW.

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